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The 6th Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards were held on November 14, 1992 at Universal Studios Hollywood. Holly Robinson, Brian Austin Green and Tori Spelling hosted the show, which honored kids' favorites in movies, television, music, sports, and others from 1991. This would be the last KCA broadcast until the 1994 show, as the network didn't air a show in 1993. This was also the first show to be broadcast live, as noted by the show's hosts. Also, this is the first (and only) event to air in the month of November instead of March or April.

The stage of this year's show took on the appearance of a warehouse, with several crates bearing the names and logos of various Nick shows stacked onstage. Presenters would enter either by coming through a large storage unit-like door (labeled as Loading Dock #1), or by coming in through the door of the warehouse manager's office.

Presenters and Appearances[]


  • Kris Kross - "Warm It Up"
  • Joe Public - "Live and Learn"
  • Shanice - "Saving Forever for You"

Special Recognitions[]

Hall of Fame[]

Celebrity slimings[]

  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Zachery Ty Bryan and Taran Noah Smith: After debating about which of them would get slimed, the audience is slimed behind them. (This was likely a mistake, although it could've been another joke about how things could go wrong on live TV, as parts of the set had been falling apart and were being blamed on live broadcasting throughout the show.)


Category Winner
Favorite Movie The Addams Family
Favorite Movie Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Favorite Movie Actress Whoopi Goldberg
Favorite TV Show Beverly Hills, 90210
Favorite TV Actor Bill Cosby
Favorite TV Actress Roseanne Barr
Favorite Male Singer/Group Kris Kross
Favorite Female Singer/Group Paula Abdul
Favorite Song "Jump" – Kris Kross
Favorite Male Athlete Michael Jordan
Favorite Female Athlete Kim Zmeskal
Favorite Sports Team Chicago Bulls

