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"Camped!" is the 122nd episode of The Loud House. It is the eighteenth episode produced for the show's fifth season (though it was the season's seventeenth episode to air) and premiered on Memorial Day of 2021, alongside The Casagrandes episode "Zoo-mergency!"


Lincoln and his sisters notice that their dad is feeling rather sad one morning. When they ask him why, Lynn Sr. tells them that he just received an e-mail telling him that Camp Mastodon, a campsite where he and his father vacationed every summer in his youth, is closing down. As Lynn Sr. attempts to call up his fisherman father, Leonard (making his first real appearance in this episode after having previously only been seen briefly in flashbacks), to tell him the bad news, Lincoln decides that the family should take a trip to Camp Mastodon so Lynn Sr. can make one last family memory there.

After arriving, the family meets the camp's owner, Mr. Rinsler. As Rita and the girls go off to enjoy the campsite, Lynn Sr. and Lincoln help Mr. Rinsler clean out his office. During this, Mr. Rinsler tells them about the legend of a treasure supposedly buried around the area. According to legend, a radish trader named Captain Kidd was on route home with a huge amount of gold he'd just earned, but was forced to abandon his ship during the Great Lakes Storm of 1913. He buried the gold around the area, but nobody has ever found it. Mr. Rinsler shows Lincoln and Lynn Sr. a piece of wood said to have been part of Captain Kidd's ship. Lincoln then pulls a loose piece of bark open and finds that the wood piece contains a map that leads to the treasure. Lincoln and Lynn Sr. run out and tell Rita and the sisters about the map, saying that they could find the treasure and save the camp. Close by, Flip (who also came to pay one last visit to the camp) overhears the Louds talking about the treasure, but Lisa notices him.

Figuring out the clues written on the map, the Louds follow a series of trail markers that Captain Kidd left leading to a butte that they need to climb. As the Louds climb up the butte, Lori notices someone following them; Lisa says that it's Flip, whom she noticed listening in on them earlier, and the family decides they'd better pick up the pace. At the top of the butte is a skull-shaped cave that they have to enter. Inside, they find a skeleton with a necklace, sitting in a chair-shaped rock. When Leni removes the necklace, the "chair" slides back to reveal a hole leading underground. Going down the secret passage, the Louds find a guitar that they're supposed to play a "C" song with. Luna does so, which causes the wall behind them to open up and reveal what is seemingly Captain Kidd's treasure. However, Lola is able to deduce that what they've found is actually a decoy. Lily then pulls a ruby out of the wall, causing the wall to come closing down on the fake treasure, though the Louds are luckily able to escape being trapped.

S5E18 Welcome aboard, kiddos!

Leonard comes to his family's rescue.

After wandering further through the cave (during which Rita defends the family from a wolverine) and seemingly coming to a dead end, Lincoln spots a stalagmite with Captain Kidd's hat on it, and figures it must be a clue. Luan then accidentally pushes the stalagmite over, revealing it to actually be a switch that opens a trap door underneath the Louds and dropping them further underground. Lincoln then finds there's a rock with an imprint resembling the symbol on Captain Kidd's map. As it turns out, the necklace that Leni grabbed from the skeleton and the ruby that Lily grabbed in the fake treasure room make up the pieces of a "keystone", which Lincoln then places in the rock. This reveals an opening to a cliff side where the Louds find the real treasure. As the Louds celebrate finding the treasure, Lynn Sr. accidentally pushes a button that then causes the wall behind the Louds to start pushing them and the treasure over the cliff. Lynn Jr. manages to grab onto the side of the cliff with the rest of her family hanging on, but the whole family is being weighed down and are forced to drop the treasure. Just then, a boat shows up in the river below to catch the Louds and the treasure; it's being driven by Lynn Sr.'s father, Leonard, who came to help after Lynn Sr. sent him a telegram about the camp closing at the beginning of the episode.

Afterward, the Louds bring the treasure to Mr. Rinsler, telling him he's able to save the camp now. However, Mr. Rinsler turns it down, saying that he's retiring from managing Camp Mastodon, having just bought a condo in Florida. The Louds are disappointed at first, though Lynn Sr. says he's just glad this adventure they just had was the last memory he was able to make at this camp. Fortunately, Leonard offers to buy ownership of the camp himself, and Mr. Rinsler agrees to turn his job over to him. Flip then shows up, looking pretty disheveled from having his own encounter with the wolverine, and is dismayed to see that the Louds beat him to finding the treasure.



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