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The Loud House Turns into a Restaurant⁉️ + Sneak Peek Clip Cooked Nick

"Cooked!" is the 78th episode of The Loud House, and the last episode produced for the show's third season (although the two episodes that preceded it in production order were aired later).


Lynn's Table

Lynn's Table opens in this episode.

After months of working to achieve it, Lynn Loud Sr. is finally ready to open his own restaurant, having bought an old, shut-down seafood place and refurbished it into Lynn's Table. However, as he is telling the family and their co-workers (Kotaro and Grant) to go put up fliers to promote the restaurant's opening, Lori notices that there's a typo on the fliers, which appear to say "Gland Opening", and they have no time to reprint them. Lincoln suggests that he and the sisters take care of promoting the restaurant, and Lynn Sr. accepts.

The siblings hold a meeting in which all eleven of them present their promotion ideas, after which they vote to see which idea will be chosen. Unfortunately, all of the siblings each vote for their own ideas and cannot agree with any of the others, so they seemingly bail on the project. Lincoln, however, decides to move ahead with his idea anyway - he and Clyde film a commercial for Lynn's Table, giving particular focus to how it's a great place for large groups to eat (due to how Lynn Sr. is used to cooking for his family of 13), and get it on TV (thanks to Clyde's dads having a personal connection with the local weatherman, Patchy Drizzle). Unbeknownst to Lincoln, however, his sisters also each decide to go with their respective promotion ideas too.

Thanks to Lincoln and Clyde's commercial, it doesn't take long for people to start showing up at the newly-opened Lynn's Table. Things are going smoothly at first, but things soon hit a snag when the sisters gradually show up and reveal to their father their own promotions:

  • Lisa offers bottomless baskets of fries to customers
  • Luan has them sing a special birthday song and provide a special dessert for any customers showing up on their birthday
  • Lori brings in a photo booth to draw in the teen crowd
  • Lana allows pets into the restaurant, even giving them their own menu
  • Lynn Jr. invites her baseball team, telling them that if their meal doesn't arrive in 15 minutes, it's free
  • Luna sings for anyone who arrives, saying they also do deliveries ("NO, WE DON'T!")
  • Leni hosts a game of bingo for the elderly patrons, saying anyone who wins gets a free appetizer ("NO! YOU DON'T!")

After quite a while of trying to fulfill all these promises and getting quite stressed out from it, Lynn Sr. calls his kids together in the kitchen, telling them he can't keep up with all of them. Leni then accidentally slams the door on him, knocking him unconscious. The kids realize they've ruined the restaurant's opening night with their chaos, but Lincoln has a way to fix the problem. He goes out and admits to the patrons that he and his family cannot fulfill all the promises they made, but then announces to them that if they stay, they'll get what they can promise - high-quality food for a low price. Working together, the family manages to appeal to all the customers with the meals they made.

Shortly after, Lucy arrives to tell the family about her promotion idea - she invited Katherine Mulligan to interview Lynn Sr., who is unfortunately still unconscious. Luckily, Lincoln has another plan: the kids control Lynn Sr. like a makeshift puppet during the interview, having him respond to Katherine's questions with body gestures. The interview is a success, and Katherine encourages her viewers to come to Lynn's Table. Later that evening, after the family watches the TV broadcast of the interview, Lynn Sr. is glad to know his restaurant's opening was ultimately a success, and lets the family name entrees after themselves.

Home video releases[]

  • The Loud House: Cooked (Season 3, Volume 2)


  • The dishes the family suggested they add to the menu at the end of the episode, and what their real names are:
    • Luan-chovy pizza - anchovy pizza
    • Chicken catcha-Lori - chicken cacciatore
    • Lana-cotti - manicotti
    • Buffa-Lola chicken wings - buffalo chicken wings
    • Hummus and Rita chips - hummus and pita chips
    • Liso soup - Miso soup
    • Beef Well-Lincoln - beef wellington
    • Lu-Caesar salad - Caesar salad
    • Luna casserole - tuna casserole
    • Hamburgers (suggested by Leni) - hamburgers

External links[]
