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Lincoln & Clyde Fight For Justice! - "Crimes of Fashion" Full Scene - The Loud House

"Crimes of Fashion" is the second segment of the 66th episode of The Loud House (although it was originally shown first when the episode originally aired).


Lincoln and Clyde are reading Ace Savvy comics one day, managing to correctly solve the crimes within five issues in a row, when suddenly Leni comes in crying. When Lincoln and Clyde ask what happened, Leni tells them that she just got fired from her job at Reininger's, because a bunch of scarves went missing since she started working there, and her boss, Ms. Carmichael, suspects that Leni stole the scarves. Lincoln and Clyde, knowing that Leni would never steal anything, decide to clear her name, as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack.

At the mall, Lincoln and Clyde begin investigating, when they are interrupted by Ms. Carmichael's unnamed son, who wants to play with them because his mom is too busy to pay attention to him. Lincoln and Clyde ignore the kid and look for anything suspicious. They first notice their classmate Gabby wanting some scarves and assume that she is the culprit, only to discover that she is actually trying to buy them with a gift card. Next, they suspect that Scoots is the thief and set up a tripwire of clothes hangars to stop her, but it turns out she was actually in a hurry to pay for her scarf because she's late for a party. Lastly, the boys then notice Leni's friend and coworker, Fiona, running by with a duffel bag containing a blue cloth. Thinking that Fiona framed Leni, they call Ms. Carmichael and stop Fiona in her tracks, only to find that she was actually trying to hide a dress that she bought at a competing store.

Disappointed that they have failed to clear Leni's name, Lincoln and Clyde lament that maybe they don't deserve to wear their costumes. Leni, still sad about being fired, then mentions that Lincoln could always wear his Ace Savvy cape as a scarf. Upon hearing this, Lincoln and Clyde figure out who the real culprit is and return to Reininger's. When they approach Ms. Carmichael, they ask her son if he still wants to play superheroes with them. He brings the duo and his mother to "his hideout" (actually a storeroom closet), where he has been hiding the scarves, which he was using as capes. Ms. Carmichael, realizing her mistake, thanks Lincoln and Clyde for solving the case, and rehires Leni.

Home video releases[]

  • The Loud House: Cooked (Season 3, Volume 2)

External links[]
