"Curse of the Candy Goblin" is the 43rd episode of The Casagrandes, and also the series' second and last Halloween episode.
On Halloween night, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and their cousins are all showing off their costumes and are ready to go trick-or-treating. All of them brag that they will get the most candy, and Carl decides to make things more interesting by holding a bet: whoever gets the most candy gets to take everyone else's candy afterward. Carlitos and Sergio want to join in the fun, but the kids deny them the chance, saying that Carlitos is too young, and Sergio's ability to fly would give him an unfair advantage.
As the kids are out trick-or-treating, the adults have transformed the mercado into a haunted maze. When Vito arrives dressed as an alien, he finds that Carlos is dressed as one too and leaves to change his costume. He briefly returns dressed as a witch, but then sees that Hector has put a witch hat on Mr. Inflatable. Finally, Vito comes back in a pumpkin costume, and is relieved to learn that no one else is dressed as a pumpkin. However, when he tries to enter the store, he gets stuck in the doorway, and the others have a hard time getting him unstuck. At one point, Rosa brings in a plate of tamales to refill everyone's energy; when this happens, Vito manages to get out of his pumpkin costume so he can have some of the tamales, leaving the costume still stuck in the doorway.
Meanwhile, the kids have scoured the neighborhood, gathering as much candy from their neighbors as they can. They come to a haunted-looking house with a lone bowl of candy on the porch, alongside a sign that says "Only take one... or the Candy Goblin will come!" The kids, however, discard this warning and take all the candy in the bowl. When they arrive home to count the candy they've collected, Carlota suddenly finds the warning sign somehow came with them, and the lights then go out. Ronnie Anne insists there's no such thing as a Candy Goblin, but the monster then appears by the window and enters the apartment. The kids, scared out of their wits by the Goblin, run to the other apartment, where they proceed to argue over who's winning the bet. The Goblin, however, breaks in through the barricade they've set up and chases them through all the rooms.

The Goblin scares the kids into giving him their candy.
The Goblin finally catches up with them right outside the mercado (which they can't enter because of Vito and his pumpkin costume being stuck in the doorway) and tells them that he'll only leave if they give back the candy they took from his bowl. However, when the kids instead just get into another argument and refuse to surrender their candy, the Goblin takes Carlitos hostage and flies away. The kids feel guilty for not including Carlitos in trick-or-treating and decides to make it up to him. When the kids return to the haunted house, they wandering through the house to find the Candy Goblin and his empty bowl, and promptly give back the candy they took from it. However, the Goblin is not satisfied and forces them to give him all their candy before he finally returns Carlitos. Then, to make them suffer more, he tells them to bring him candy next year and then scares them off before they can object.
The terrified kids run all the way back to the mercado, entering with so much force that they push Vito's costume out of the doorway. When the adults ask them how their trick-or-treating went, Bobby sobbingly tells them that it was horrible due to everything the Goblin put them through. The adults laugh this off, thinking the kids just imagined it, and Rosa gives them a bowl of the mercado's candy to make up for their loss. The kids then apologize to Carlitos for excluding him earlier and promise to take him trick-or-treating next year, which Carlitos forgives them. Later that night, though, Carlitos crawls up to the rooftop to find the Candy Goblin... who is then revealed to be Sergio and Sancho in disguise. It turns out the three of them had created an elaborate scheme to get revenge on the kids for ditching them. However, before the baby and the two birds can enjoy the candy, the real Candy Goblin appears and scares them off.
- Carlos' alien costume resembles Prometheus from the Prometheus and Bob segments on KaBlam!
- Ironically, Carlitos would not get to go trick-or-treating with his siblings and cousins in The Loud House episode "Great Lakes Freakout!" (which presumably takes place the following Halloween), due to him visiting his maternal grandfather Danny during that episode.
- Bobby, CJ, and Carl would eventually find out about the Candy Goblin actually being a disguised Sergio and Sancho in the comic story "Lucy's Haunted Corn Maze", printed in the graphic novel The Loud House Spooky Special.
External links[]
- The Loud House Encyclopedia: Curse of the Candy Goblin
- Halloween Specials Wiki: Curse of the Candy Goblin
The Casagrandes episodesv • t • e | |
Season 1 | "Going Overboard" / "Walk Don't Run" • "The Two of Clubs" / "Vacation Daze" • "New Haunts" / "Croaked" • "Snack Pact" / "The Horror-Scope" • "Arrr in the Family" / "Finders Weepers" • "Stress Test" / "How to Train Your Carl" • "Operation Dad" • "Flea Market" / "Copy Can't" • "Away Game" / "Monster Cash" • "Trend Game" / "This Bird Has Flown" • "V.I.P.eeved"" / "Señor Class" • Fast Feud / "Never Friending Story" • "Grandparent Trap" / "Miss Step" • "Slink or Swim" / "The Big Chill" • "Karma Chameleon" / "Team Effort" • "Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?" / "New Roomie" • "Mexican Makeover" / "Uptown Funk" • "Bo Bo Business" / "Blunder Party" • "Cursed!" • "What's Love Gato Do With It?" • "Dial M. for Mustard" |
Season 2 | "The Kid Plays in the Picture" / "Achy Breaky Art" • "Fails from the Crypt" / "Bad Cluck" • "Guilt Trip" / "Short Cut" • "No Egrets" / "Meal Ticket" • "Fool's Gold" / "Flight Plan" • "A Very Casagrandes Christmas" • "An Udder Mess" / "Teacher's Fret" • "I, Breakfast Bot" / "Dynamic Do-Over" • "Home Improvement" / "Undivided Attention" • "Karate Chops" / "Taco the Town" • "Saving Face" / "Matters of the Kart" • "Chancla Force" / "Fluff Love" • "Battle of the Grandpas" / "Prankaversary" • "Zoo-mergency!" • "Just Be Coo" / "Tee'd Off" • "Lalo Land" / "Maybe-Sitter" • "Do the Fruit Shake" / "Throwing Pains" • "Spin Off" / "Tooth and Consequences" • "Operation Popstar" • "Strife Coach" / "Gossipy Girl" |
Season 3 | "Bend It Like Abuelo" / "Bunstoppable" • "Squawk in the Name of Love" / "Date with Destiny" • "Curse of the Candy Goblin" • "Skaters Gonna Hate" / "Born to Be Mild" • "The Bros in the Band" / "For the Record" • "15 Candles" / "Rook, Line and Sinker" • "The Golden Curse" • "Let's Get Ready to Rumba" / "Perro Malo" • "Don't Zoo That" / "Maxed Out" • "Skatey Cat" / "Weather Beaten" • "Race Against the Machine" / "My Fair Cat Lady" • "Survival of the Unfittest" / "Nixed Signals" • "Ay Fidelity" / "Cut the Chisme" • "Sidekickin' Chicken" / "Silent Fight" • "Kick Some Bot" / "Salvador Doggy" • "Dragged Through the Garden" / "The Sound of Meddle" • "Alpaca Lies" / "Rocket Plan" • "Phantom Freakout" • "The Odd Father" / "Long Shot" • "Flock This Way" / "Movers and Fakers" |