Voiced by
Faith Abrahams (The Fairly OddParents ) JP Karliak (The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish )
10 or older (The Fairly OddParents ) 30s or 40s (The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish )
Neutral (The Fairly OddParents ) Bad (The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish )
Neglectful, smarmy, uncaring, manipulative, dishonest, arrogant
Fair-skinned, ginger hair, blue eyes, missing teethIn The Fairly OddParents : Messy and slightly curly hair, blue tattered t-shirt, dark blue tattered pantsIn The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish : Slicked back hair, gold teeth, white jacket with a golden zipper, black pants with a white pattern, white and gold cowboy boots
Owner and CEO of Dimmadome Global
Dimmsdale (formerly)
Dale Dimmadome is a character from The Fairly OddParents franchise. He made his first appearance in an episode from the second season of the original show, "Nectar of the Odds ", as a kid working in Vicky 's lemonade stand sweatshop, before being revealed to be Doug Dimmadome 's son.
He shows up again in The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish as an adult, where it's revealed that he followed in his dad's footsteps and became a CEO of his own company in Dimmadelphia. He also has a son, Dev Dimmadome .
"Gee, this is harder than I thought."This article doesn't contain enough information. If you know anything about Dale Dimmadome,