Game Shakers was an American live-action comedy sitcom created by Dan Schneider, which ran on Nickelodeon on September 12, 2015 to June 8, 2019. As a multi-platform experience, Nickelodeon released the games online and through an app. This show also marked the return of Nickelodeon veteran Kel Mitchell to the channel.
Two 12-year-old girls named Babe and Kenzie start a multimillion-dollar gaming company with the help of their friend Hudson after making a video game called "Sky Whale" for their school project which becomes a sensation overnight and becomes #1, but when rapper and mogul Double G (portrayed by Kel Mitchell) threatens to sue them for using his song in their game and not paying for him for it. The girls then later befriend him and asks him to become an investor/partner of the company and they also hire his son as a video game consultant.
- Main article: Game Shakers episode list
On March 26, 2018, it was announced that the third season of Game Shakers would be the last. The season was originally supposed to have 20 episodes but due to Dan Schneider getting fired from Nickelodeon, it was cut to 18. With the last two planned episodes being cancelled in production, the series ended with the 18th episode "He's Back" without getting a proper series finale.
- Cree Cicchino as Babe Carano
- Madisyn Shipman as Kenzie Bell
- Thomas Kuc as Hudson Gimble
- Benjamin Flores Jr. as Triple G
- Kel Mitchell as Double G
External links[]
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