Hunter Street is a comedy adventure television series created by Reint Schölvinck and Melle Runderkamp that aired on Nickelodeon from March 11, 2017 to February 23, 2018, and on TeenNick from July 29, 2019. The series stars Stony Blyden, Mae Mae Renfrow, Kyra Smith, Thomas Jansen, and Daan Creyghton as a group of five foster children who must solve a mystery in order to find their missing foster parents. Wilson Radjou-Pujalte and Kate Bensdorp join the cast in the series' second season, and Eliyha Altena and Sarah Nauta join the cast in the series' third season.
Five foster children in Amsterdam attempt to find out what happened to their missing foster parents.
The series is produced in the Netherlands by Blooming Media, and was co-developed with the Nickelodeon Netherlands television series De Ludwigs. Nickelodeon made it known that the series' first season would contain 20 episodes on March 2, 2017. The series was renewed for a second season of 20 episodes on April 25, 2017. On July 27, 2018, the series was renewed for a third season of 30 episodes. On May 12, 2019, it was announced that the third season would premiere on Nickelodeon on July 22, 2019, but the third season later premiered on TeenNick on July 29, 2019.