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"International Super Spy" is a two-part episode of The Backyardigans, produced as the show's 30th and 31st episodes. It was aired as a double-length episode in the US, while in Canada, it was split into two parts.


Part 1[]

The episode opens up with Pablo sitting on the picnic table, holding an apple juice box. he introduces himself as "Agent Secret", a well-respected secret agent. He explains that he likes his juice boxes shaken. Pablo sings "International Super Spy" and then heads to Spy Headquarters. The Lady in Pink, the most evil mastermind in the world, is spying on Secret.

In the HQ, Miss T., tells him that he needs to retrieve three containers. She explains that no one knows what's in the containers, but they might be dangerous. Miss T. tells Secret that the journey will be his most life-risking quest yet. However, he accepts the job and heads to a pub in London to receive information from his secret contact, Austin.

Meanwhile, inside Big Ben, the Lady in Pink explains her situation to her henchman Tyrone. They sing "Lady in Pink" as they discuss the plans.

Secret gets to the glass building first, and uses his hat (which doubles as a laser pointer) to enter the building. He realizes that the only way to get first container is to dance on an electronic mat to make the door open. All he has to do is to follow the moves on a screen. After he retrieves the container, the Lady in Pink and Henchman Tyrone steal it. The three sing the first part of "Good and Bad Don't Mix". At the end of the song, Agent Secret takes the container back. Before Pink and Tyrone can steal it back, Secret jumps in his car, which transforms into a helicopter. Secret contacts Miss T. and is instructed to visit a cafe in the mountains of Switzerland.

While in Switzerland, Secret meets Austin again and orders a hotdog, which is another message from his boss. He is then told to visit Dare-Dairy Farm which contains the second container. The Lady in Pink overhears this and quickly rushes to her snowmobile. They head to Dare-Dairy Farm.

The Lady in Pink notices that the hall is covered in booby traps. She then escapes several trap doors and finds another dance mat. She dances, but she is interrupted by Secret, who activates the dance machine's multiplayer mode. The two repeat the moves on screen in front of them until the container is released. Pink tricks Secret into walking away and steals the container. Secret notices that he has been outwitted and and tries to take it back from the Lady in Pink's hands.

Pink runs to her snowmobile and gets Tyrone to join her on the vehicle. Secret rushes to his car, which also transforms into a snowmobile. He starts chasing her while singing "Good and Bad Don't Mix" again. Secret attempts to steal the container while he, Pink, and Tyrone are drifting down a hill, but Pink grabs it back. They are bound to hit a snow mound. In regular episode airings, the episode fades to black as the words "To be continued..." appear. Then the end credits came at last.

Part 2[]

S4E2 Grandpa "You won't believe your eyes!"
You forgot to wear your glasses again!

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  • "International Super Spy"
  • "Lady in Pink" (Part 1 only)
  • "Good and Bad Don't Mix"
  • "A Recipe for Disaster" (Part 2 only)


Video releases[]

  • The Backyardigans: Super Secret Super Spy

External links[]
