Knight Squad is an American comedy television series created by Sean Cunningham and Marc Dworkin. The series first aired on Nickelodeon as a sneak peek on February 19, 2018, before its official premiere on February 24th. The series stars Owen Joyner, Daniella Perkins, Amarr M. Wooten, Lexi DiBenedetto, Lilimar, and Kelly Perine. The series finale aired April 20, 2019.
At a "magical school for knights in training", two very different students (Owen Joyner and Daniella Perkins) form a pact to keep each other's secrets and to follow their dreams of knighthood.
- Owen Joyner as Arc, a drifter who cheats and steals his way into the Knight School and on to the Phoenix Squad.
- Daniella Perkins as Ciarra, a princess who wears a special ring to disguise herself so that she can secretly attend Knight School and be a part of Phoenix Squad.
- Amarr M. Wooten as Warwick, a student who is in Phoenix Squad with Arc, Ciara and Prudence, but who is considered to be the worst knight student in the school; he is the older brother of Fizzwick.
- Lexi DiBenedetto as Prudence, a student who is "one-quarter giant", and who is in Phoenix Squad with Arc, Ciara and Warwick.
- Lilimar as Sage, a student at the school who is Ciara's rival and a member of Kraken Squad.
- Kelly Perine as Sir Gareth, a knight who is a teacher at the knight school.
- Savannah May as Buttercup, a student at the school who is Sage's happy-go-lucky minion and a member of Kraken Squad.
Knight Squad received a 20-episode order from Nickelodeon in May 2017. Production on the series began in October 2017, and it premiered in February 2018. Tenzing Norgay Trainor has appeared on the series, playing Jimbo in the episodes "The Dork Knight Returns" and "Fight For Your Knight to Party".