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Ping Pong (1999) After the kids shout the word "Noggin", each of the two heads start changing around every second objects that are replacing their brains. After both of them change objects for 4 times, the purple one changes its object with a complicated machine with gears. It's unavailable for it to start the machine, as its plug isn't plugged. The yellow one changed its object with a power plug, so the purple one can put the plug in, and the machine starts working, while the kids are shouting again the word "Noggin."

360 (1999) Features a luna park, where the kids are having fun. It is revealed at the end that this luna park is, actually, Noggin head's brain.

This particular station ID was designed for the actual unveiling of the channel. Therefore it had to capture, within its :10 second screen time, the prevailing ideology, spirit, excitement and essence of what "Noggin" is about. My challenge was to distill and visualize the means by which these values can be projected to Noggin's young audience and to do so in the way they will instantly identify with and embrace as their own. This assignment let me reflect on, and answer, such questions as: What is imagination? Where no rules apply, total freedom. Deep inside we hate rules and are pirates at heart. What is the real life experience that breaks rules and lets us fly? Roller coasters-because they take our breath away; we imagine the worst while pushing us to overcome our fears.
They defy gravity and reason, letting us fly. What is the ultimate ride? One that propels us toward the sky just to catapult us back to earth. Where do such rides exist? For now, only in our imagination. Imagination is like the most amazing, wonderful, thrilling and out of this world ride, you never know what's next. So take yours for a ride. The greatest one is in your own head. So open your mind and give it a spin. You may never again wish to get off.
―Edward Bakst, Animator

Bacteria (1999) Some bacteria some coming in a particular stance. After that, the ill Noggin head is shown, and some people start shouting the word "Noggin" or a part of it.

Brain Food (1999) Someone says "Hungry?", and a very big burger with all types of ingredients and many gadgets/objects putted into it; such as a live fish, an answering machine, a meter, books (some with titles for insects, painting, and weather), a pulley lifting a pickle, worms, a window with lights inside, and a paintbrush with red paint; is shown from top to bottom. At the bottom, a cloth that has the word "Brain Food", is written calligraphicly. As the screen pans down to show the burger, the same voice asks "Want some food?" with some tiny voices replying "Yeah! Yeah! Food!"; and once the bottom is reached, the earlier voice says "Have some Brain Food." followed by the tiny voices responding with "Yeah! Yeah! Brain Food!" and an Italian voice adding "For-a your Noggin." as the logo's head at the bottom of the burger licks a drop of mustard and winks its eye.

This bumper is usually shown as part of the interstitial of the same name from 1999-2002, with the scene translating through bite marks to the topic. At the end, it transitions again through bite marks to the last part of the bumper (but with the voice just saying "Brain Food" instead of "Have some Brain Food" and a burp being heard at the very end).

An alternate version of the opening is similar to the regular one, but with the Italian voice saying "The Noggin presents...". The alternate closing has the voice saying "Brain Food" in a different tone and lacked the tiny voices saying "Yeah! Yeah! Brain Food!".

When the bumper is shown on its own, the head's eye blinks an aditional time at the end.

Propeller Head (1999) Features a kid's head, flying with a propeller. It sees some birds with the word "NOGGIN" written flying, and it continues to some clouds. After getting out of them, the kid has stuck one of those birds in its eyes. The ident ends with it smiling in front of the audience.

Noggolution (1999) Features a plasteline that changes animal shapes

  1. Starfish
  2. Fish
  3. Flamingo - squawks and says the word "Evolution", as a paper with that one spreads the upside of the screen
  4. Dog
  5. Monkey - eats the paper upside

The monkey stretches its ears and the plasteline transforms into the Noggin head, that spits what it transforms into a paper with the word "NOGGOLUTION", spreaded while the word is said followed by a deep voice saying: "Change over time.".

Flip Heads (1999)

Buoy (1999)

Noggin Boogie (1999) It starts in an ordinary dining room with a yellow tablecloth, from under which an African-American boy wearing a green shirt "Pst"'s the viewers and invites them under the table. The camera zooms under the table to show a disco floor and ball with 5 girls and boys (colored from left to right: yellow, green, blue, orange, and red) dancing as an offscreen singer sings "Noggin Boogie" twice with backup singers replying "Uh-huh" after each one. The camera then zooms into the disco ball, which turns clockwise to reveal the NOGGIN logo on the lower half with the singer saying "Noggin Boogie" while the yellow glowing word "BOOGIE" appears under the logo.

This bumper is usually shown as the opening for the interstellar of the same name from 1999--2002. It is usually followed by a music video like Nick Jr. Sings or Jungle Boogie and/or a musical sequence from a Noggin show. After 1 or 2 music video/sequences, it cuts to a shorter version of the bumper, starting from the kids dancing and the offscreen singer sings "Noggin Boogie" twice with backup singers replying "Uh-huh" after each one without the singer saying saying "Noggin Boogie" at the end.

Noggin Gold (1999)

Running (1999)

Art Machine (1999)

Straw (1999)

Firefly (1999)

Flowers (1999)

Neighbors (1999-2000) Features a mashed-up town with buildings and characters from Sesame Street and Blue's Clues, as well as Philomena Fly, Winky Love, and Porkchop from Doug.

Robot (2000)

Halloween (2002)

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