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This is a list page for episodes from the first season of Little Bill, listed in production order.


# Title Airdate
1 The Treasure Hunt November 28, 1999 Nickelodeon 1998
The Best Way to Play
2 Monty's Roar December 19, 1999 Nickelodeon 1998
Natural Root Pals
3 Zoopity Zoo September 6, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Neighborhood Park
4 Guppies January 9, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Magic Quilt
5 Just a Baby December 5, 1999 Nickelodeon 1998
The Camp Out
6 The Dollar December 12, 1999 Nickelodeon 1998
The Choice
7 Chicken Pox June 4, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Shipwreck Saturday
8 The Promise September 7, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Practice
9 The Meanest Thing to Say February 6, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Lavatory Story
10 Big Kid June 19, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Bills Go to Work
11 Are We There Yet? September 8, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Super Family Fun Land!
12 The Zoo February 20, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
My Pet Elephant
13 Copy Cat February 26, 2001 Nickelodeon 1998
Picture Day
14 Elephant on the Loose September 5, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
If a Bird Rings, Answer It
15 The Ring Bear November 13, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Miss Murray's Wedding
16 Little Bill's Adventure with Captain Brainstorm September 4, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
17 The Birthday Present November 14, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Birthday Party
18 Rolling Along November 17, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Stage Trick
19 A Trip to the Hospital November 15, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
The Wrong Thing to Do
20 Making Mother's Day November 16, 2000 Nickelodeon 1998
Picture Perfect
21 Number One on Honeywood Street June 10, 2002 Nickelodeon 1998
Baseball Glovers
22 The Violin Lesson May 8, 2001 Nickelodeon 1998
23 Michael Sleeps Over February 4, 2002 Nickelodeon 1998
Michael's First Snow
24 Monty Visits May 9, 2001 Nickelodeon 1998
Mom's Trip
25 The Snack Helper February 19, 2001 Nickelodeon 1998
26 A Day at the Beach January 7, 2002 Nickelodeon 1998
The Get Well Song