Mia and Me is a German television series created by Gerhard Hahn. In the United States, it premiered on Nick Jr. on May 3, 2014. The show is about a bright but awkward girl named Mia, whose special bracelet can transport her to a magical world called Centopia.
The first two seasons were distributed by Rainbow, a studio co-owned by Viacom. Viacom's Nickelodeon channels air Mia and Me in many countries. The American feed of Nick Jr. aired new episodes of the show from May 2014 to December 2016, and it is still up on the Nick Jr. website to stream.
Every episode begins in live action. A girl named Mia has a glowing bracelet and a special book. With her bracelet and book, Mia can travel to an animated world called Centopia, which is full of winged elves, pans (goat-like creatures), unicorns, and much more. While in Centopia, Mia transforms into an elf with pink hair, and she can talk to unicorns. At the end of every episode, Mia has to return to her live-action world.
In the United Kingdom, the series aired on Nickelodeon (UK and Ireland) in January 2014. Nickelodeon began airing the series in the Philippines on July 1, 2013. In the United States, the series aired on Nick Jr. from May 3, 2014 to December 25, 2016.
Nick Jr. commercials and website[]
Around April 2014, NickJr.com created new pages for Mia and Me. One of the pages is archived here. In 2015, the show page was redesigned here. The Nick Jr. videos are still available on the website as of 2021.
Nick Jr. also aired original commercials for the show. Some pictures of these promos are in the gallery below.
External links[]
The topic of this page has a wiki of its own: Mia and Me Wiki.