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Mondo Gecko (real name is Jason) is one of the secondary characters of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is a Mutant Gecko who loves to skateboard, which brings him closer to Michelangelo.

Jason was originally a human boy. One day, as if nothing had happened, he was riding a skateboard on a ramp he had made himself. He rode with his pet gecko Lars. When suddenly a canister of mutagen fell from the sky on him and he mutaded into a humanoid gecko, since his pet gecko was the last thing he touched. After this, his parents kicked him out of the house and Jason wandered the streets until he was shetered by Xever Montes (Fishface), who took the pseudonym Mister X.

Some time later, Jason was skateboarding on rooftops and met Casey Jones and Michelangelo, who gives him the nickname Mondo Gecko. He quickly became friends with them and thanks to them he realized that Fishface is bad and having won the death race he organized, Jason renounced him and became an ally of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

A little later, Mondo Gecko became a member of the Mighty Mutanimals, taking the place of Pigeon Pete.


  • Robbie Rist, voice actor Mondo Gecko previosly voiced Michelangelo in 1990s trilogy films.