Prometheus and Bob is a stop-motion animated segment on KaBlam! In the segments, an alien named Prometheus befriends a caveman named Bob, and attempts to educate him on how to live in modern society, while recording the education with tapes.
- Prometheus
- Bob
- Monkey
- Prometheus's Superior
- Prometheus's Robots
- Art
- Bowling
- Clothing
- Wheel
- Music
- Fishing
- Bridge
- Shelter
- Cooking
- Kite
- Pottery
- Furniture
- Boxing
- Milking
- Canoe
- İce Skating
- Leverage
- Trapping
- Spear
- Farming
- Breakfast
- Construction
- Hammock
- Ball
- Bob's Birthday
- Toilet
- Treehouse
- Bed
- Robot
- Television
- Arctic
- Laundry
- Glue
- Dating
- Exercise
- IQ Test
- Magnetism
- Softball
- Evolution Chamber
- Pet
- Tape #1
- A live-action film was announced in 1998, which was planned to be produced by Amy Hecklerling and directed by Harald Zwart. It went under due to lack of interest.
- In the episode "Hurts So Good," a Henry and June segment features footage of Prometheus, Bob, and the Monkey singing along with Loopy from Life with Loopy, the cast of Action League Now!, Sniz and Fondue, and the Henry and June cast during the "Staples" song at the episode's end.
- One of the segments is ranked #61 during the "Top 100 Greatest Moments in Nicktoon History".
- Each segment (with some variations, as seen below) is introduced as "900,000 years ago, an alien videotaped his attempts to educate a caveman. The Prometheus and Bob tapes."
- There is a long version as well, with the announcer saying "What you are about to see is top secret. It is a video tape recorded 900,000 years ago by an alien using a remote controlled camera. It shows his attempts to educate a caveman. They have been codenamed the Prometheus and Bob tapes."
- In "Evolution Chamber" (tape 677), a variant is used with the announcer saying "900,000 years ago, an alien got sick of trying to educate a caveman. He created a machine that would transform his unevolved student into an intelligent modern man. The Prometheus and Bob tapes."