Raymond "Ray" Alvarado is Alex Mack's closest friend and next-door neighbor in The Secret World of Alex Mack, portrayed by Darris Love. Alex sees him as like a brother, often sharing everything between themselves, including the secret of Alex's powers. Since Alex and Annie don't tell anyone else, mainly out of fear of Danielle Atron and Vince, Ray must frequently step in to help.
Ray enjoys playing basketball and bicycling around the area with Alex. He is on good terms with all the Macks and is constantly coming and going. His relationship with Annie can be prickly on the surface. He has argued against Annie's strict rules for Alex. However, in "The Secret World of Ray Alvarado" he sees what could happen if he had her abilities and used them to impress other kids. Although he can be a slacker, Ray almost always does the right thing in the end. He also reveals that he can be a perceptive judge of character, such as when he tells Louis that Dave is really a good guy at heart ("Woman of the Year"). In a couple episodes Ray has neglected and ignored Alex in favor of new friendships before coming back around. In "Things Change," during Season Four, Alex becomes jealous of all the time he is spending with a new girlfriend. However, together they manage to work things out.
Ray has proven numerous times that he will do anything to protect Alex from the Plant, and that he can learn to be cautious and attentive to the situation. In the finale, his and Alex's heroics are at the center of the final action sequence.