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The following is a list of episodes from the second season of Rugrats.


# Image Title Original air date
Rugrats Toy Palace
"Toy Palace" September 20, 1992[1]
Tommy and Chuckie are inadvertently locked in a toy store after hours.
Rugrats Sand Ho! "Sand Ho!" September 20, 1992[1]
Grandpa reads the babies a pirate story.
Rugrats Chuckie vs the Potty
"Chuckie vs. the Potty" September 13, 1992[1]
Chuckie is reluctantly potty-trained.
Rugrats Together at Last "Together at Last" September 13, 1992[1]
Phil and Lil argue so much that the adults want to separate them.
Rugrats The Big House
"The Big House" September 27, 1992[1]
Tommy tries to break out of a secure daycare center.
Rugrats The Shot "The Shot" September 27, 1992[1]
Tommy is afraid to get a booster shot when he goes for his physical.
Rugrats Showdown at Teeter-Totter Gulch
"Showdown at Teeter Totter Gulch" October 4, 1992[1]
Tommy stands up to a playground bully.
Rugrats Mirrorland "Mirrorland" October 4, 1992[1]
Tommy and Chuckie think that they have entered a reversed world.
"Angelica's In Love" October 11, 1992[1]
Angelica falls for a new boy in the neighborhood.
Rugrats Ice Cream Mountian "Ice Cream Mountain" October 11, 1992[1]
Stu and Drew take the kids to play miniature golf.
Regarding Stuie panoramic
"Regarding Stuie" October 18, 1992[1]
Stu develops temporary amnesia.
Rugrats Garage Sale "Garage Sale" October 18, 1992[1]
The babies try to help the adults at their garage sale.
Rugrats Let There Be Light
"Let There Be Light" October 25, 1992[1]
The babies are afraid when Stu accidentally blacks out the entire neighborhood.
Rugrats The Bank Trick "The Bank Trick" October 25, 1992[1]
Tommy and Chuckie inadvertently thwart two notorious bank robbers.
Rugrats Family Reunion
"Family Reunion" November 1, 1992[1]
The Pickles go to a reunion in the country.
Grandpa's Date "Grandpa's Date" November 1, 1992[1]
Grandpa must juggle babysitting Tommy and meeting up with an old flame.
"No Bones About It" November 8, 1992[1]
Grandpa takes the babies to a museum, where they try to find a gift for Spike.
Rugrats Beach Blanket Babies "Beach Blanket Babies" November 8, 1992[1]
The gang goes to the beach, where Tommy and Chuckie attempt to free some sea monkeys.
Rugrats Reptar On Ice
"Reptar on Ice" November 15, 1992[1]
The gang goes to an ice-skating show.
Rugrats Family Feud "Family Feud" November 15, 1992[1]
The Pickles and the DeVilles feud.
Rugrats Superhero Chuckie
"Superhero Chuckie" November 22, 1992[1]
Chuckie thinks that he is really a superhero.
DC074D51-4830-4EC6-8097-B8B7D93C64FC "The Dog Broomer" November 22, 1992[1]
The babies try to protect Spike from a groomer.
Aunt Miriam
"Aunt Miriam" November 29, 1992[1]
A visiting relative is mistaken for an evil alien.
Rugrats The Inside Story "The Inside Story" November 29, 1992[1]
After Chuckie swallows a watermelon seed, the babies are forced to enter his body to retrieve it.
A Visit From Lipschitz
"A Visit From Lipschitz" December 13, 1992[1]
A famous child psychologist visits the Pickles.
What the Big People Do "What the Big People Do" December 13, 1992[1]
Tommy and Chuckie imagine their lives as adults.
"The Santa Experience" December 6, 1992
After a traumatic Santa visit in the mall, the babies' parents rent a cabin in the mountains. Meanwhile, Chuckie is scared of Santa, and wants to stop him, while Angelica tries to right a wrong involving Phil and Lil's toys and presents.
Visitors from Outer Space
"Visitors from Outer Space" December 20, 1992[1]
Tommy dreams that he is captured by aliens.
The Case of the Missing Rugrat "The Case of the Missing Rugrat" December 20, 1992[1]
Grandpa uses his skills from working as a detective in the 1940s to look for Tommy after he winds up at the home of two eccentric sisters.
"Chuckie Loses His Glasses" December 27, 1992[1]
Angelica steals Chuckie's eyeglasses during a game of "Hide-and-Seek".
Chaz holding Chuckie "Chuckie Gets Skunked" December 27, 1992[1]
A skunk "sprays" Chuckie.
Rugrats - Rebel Without a Teddy Bear 14
"Rebel Without a Teddy Bear" January 3, 1993
Angelica helps Tommy "go bad" after Didi confiscates his favorite stuffed animal.
Rugrats - Angelica the Magnificent 24 "Angelica the Magnificent" January 3, 1993
Angelica experiments with magic, and Lil supposedly goes missing in the process.
"Meet the Carmichaels" January 10, 1993
New neighbors move in across the street from the Pickles, where Tommy helps the youngest member of the family, Susie, find her room.
Thebo "The Box" January 10, 1993
The kids each find their own distinct uses for an old box.
"Down the Drain" January 17, 1993[1]
Tommy and Chuckie are afraid of being sucked down the drain.
Letthemeatcake "Let Them Eat Cake" January 17, 1993[1]
The gang attends a relative's wedding, where Tommy and Chuckie want cake.
"The Seven Voyages of Cynthia" April 11, 1993[1]
Tommy and Chuckie accidentally lose Angelica's favorite doll while Stu and Drew wash Drew's boat.
Myfriendbarney "My Friend Barney" April 11, 1993[1]
Chuckie has an imaginary friend.
Feeding Hubert
"Feeding Hubert" April 18, 1993[1]
The babies mistake a garbage truck for a creature that eats trash.
Spikethewonderdog "Spike the Wonder Dog" April 18, 1993[1]
The babies think that Spike has the ability to talk.
"The Slide" April 25, 1993
Chuckie is afraid to go down the playground slide after accidentally using "the big kids' slide" at a pizzeria. Angelica intimidates him, and the babies consult Susie, who trains Chuckie to be "the bestest slider in the whole wide park".
The Big Flush "The Big Flush" April 25, 1993
The babies mistake a swimming pool for a giant "potty".
Rugrats King Ten Pin
"King Ten Pin" May 2, 1993
Grandpa competes in a bowling tournament, where Tommy and the others try to help him.
Rugrats Angelica in her Electric Toy Car's driver's seat "Runaway Angelica" May 2, 1993
Angelica runs away from home after an argument with her parents.
"Game Show Didi" May 9, 1993
Didi appears on a TV game show that is hosted by Alan Quebec.
No Image "Toys in the Attic" May 9, 1993
Tommy and Angelica discover toys and some family history in their grandparents' attic.
No Image
"Driving Miss Angelica" May 16, 1993
After Angelica "saves Chuckie's life", he becomes her personal slave.
Susie vs Angelica "Susie vs. Angelica" May 16, 1993
Susie and Angelica compete to see who is the best.
"Tooth or Dare" May 23, 1993
Angelica schemes to make money by pulling Chuckie's teeth.
Party Animals "Party Animals" May 23, 1993
A costume party makes the kids believe that their wish for a fantasy world has come true.

Character debuts[]


External links[]
