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The following is a list of episodes from the seventh season of Rugrats.

The series' second movie, Rugrats in Paris, was released early on in this season. The first three episodes of the season, which make up the "Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts" three-parter, are set immediately before the events of the movie, and were later re-aired together as a made-for-TV movie. All episodes produced afterward would feature a new intro sequence.

In this season, the show switched to having three segments per episode, consisting of the first segment being eleven minutes long, the second being two or three minutes, and the third being eight minutes. Additionally, all half-hour stories from this point on had two ad breaks instead of one.

Although "Angelicon" / "Dil's Binkie" / "Big Brother Chuckie" is the first post-Paris episode in production order (and was aired first in Canada), "Finsterella" is the actual first episode to follow the events of Rugrats in Paris chronologically (and was the first episode to air in the United States after the movie's release).


# Image Title Original air date
Change Is In The Air VHS
"Acorn Nuts and Diapey Butts" November 7-9, 2000
The babies look forward to autumn, but then Angelica reminds them that change is not always good with Stu's robot Reptar, new diapers for Phil and Lil, and the babies giving up Reptar for thinking that he caused Grandpa to move out.
131 Angelicon "Angelicon" January 15, 2001 (Canada);
January 19, 2001 (US)
At the Finsters', Stu builds a treehouse for Chuckie, Kimi, and the other Rugrats to play in. After Kimi takes Cynthia from Angelica (without asking) to play in her treehouse, the Rugrats imagine Angelica as if she was a jungle monster, a la King Kong.
No Image "Dil's Binkie" January 15, 2001 (Canada);
January 19, 2001 (US)
Dil's pacifier gets tossed around the house.
No Image "Big Brother Chuckie" January 15, 2001 (Canada);
January 19, 2001 (US)
Chuckie, realizing that he is Kimi's big brother, tries to protect her from danger.
132 Dilsaver "Dil Saver" April 13, 2001
When Stu makes a picture of Dil the wallpaper on his computer, the babies think Dil is trapped inside it.
Rugrats - Cooking With Phil & Lil 35. "Cooking with Phil and Lil" April 13, 2001
Phil and Lil make a pie their style.
Piece of Cake "Piece of Cake" April 13, 2001
Angelica has a dream where she is powerful after eating cake.
133 Rugrats Sister Act "Sister Act" January 26, 2001
Angelica feels lonely upon seeing the babies playing with their respective siblings. When demanding her parents give her a baby sibling does not work, she enlists some of the babies to become her siblings for the day.
No Image "Spike's Nightscare" January 26, 2001
Spike has a nightmare.
No Image "Cuddle Bunny" January 26, 2001
Kimi admires a donkey piñata at a party and fears that it has to be smacked.
"Finsterella" January 15, 2001
Chuckie thinks that his life with his new mother and sister parallels that of Cinderella after hearing of the story and Angelica drawing the parallels. When he hears about a party that all the babies seem to know about, Chuckie becomes sad, thinking he was not invited.
135 No Image "Bad Shoes" April 20, 2001
Stu has to wear uncomfortable shoes.
No Image "The World According to Dil and Spike" April 20, 2001
Dil and Spike's perspectives on the world are shown.
Rugrats Wash Dry Story "Wash/Dry Story" February 9, 2001
Jonathan takes the babies with him to the laundromat to take care of some laundry. Angelica, who is staying home with her mother, accidentally loses Cynthia in the laundry basket, and the doll falls into the hands of Teddy McNulty. The babies then fight the McNulty brothers for Cynthia and the right to play at the laundromat.
136 No Image "Dayscare" February 9, 2001
Chuckie and Kimi go to daycare.
No Image "The Great Unknown" February 9, 2001
Tommy, Chuckie, and Kimi wonder why the Pickles' staircase has three mysterious marks, all of them sticky.
Darth Angelica "Falling Stars" April 20, 2001
The babies wish on shooting stars and fear they are falling down.
137 Changes for Chuckie "Changes for Chuckie" February 2, 2001
Chuckie goes through adjustments to life with Kira.
No Image "The Magic Show" February 2, 2001
The babies visit a magic show.
A Lulu of a Time "A Lulu of a Time" February 2, 2001
The babies see the retirement home with Lulu and cause predictable havoc.
138 No Image "Cat Got Your Tongue?" February 16, 2001
When Howard loses his voice, the babies think Fluffy stole his tongue.
The war room "The War Room" February 16, 2001
Tommy tries to find Dil's bottle in a reception office.
No Image "Attention Please" February 16, 2001
Kimi gets more attention than Chuckie, making him jealous.
139 And the Winner Is... "And the Winner Is..." March 9, 2001
Angelica and Susie compete in a talent contest, as do Grandpa and Lulu. Stu builds an invention to help decide the winner based on the crowd's applause.
No Image "Dil's Bathtime" March 9, 2001
Dil takes a bath with Tommy and fears the worst.
No Image "Bigger Than Life" March 9, 2001
The babies have "big" adventures.
140 No Image "Day of the Potty" April 6, 2001
Chuckie breaks his home's toilet, and the Rugrats take a trip to the appliance store with Chas and Kira to get a new one.
No Image "Tell-Tale Cell Phone" April 6, 2001
Angelica believes she broke Charlotte's phone and hides it, but is soon driven to confess about it.
No Image "The Time of Their Lives" April 6, 2001
Angelica gets a watch.
141 Rugrats My Fair Babies "My Fair Babies" March 30, 2001
The babies attend a "lunch party" and must act formal.
No Image "The Way Things Work" March 30, 2001
Tommy shows Dil how things work, such as the fridge and the toilet.
No Image "Home Sweet Home" March 30, 2001
Chuckie believes Kimi is going to be mailed back to Japan, so he tries to stop her from leaving.
142 Adventure Squad "Adventure Squad" April 27, 2001
The Rugrats play a game of adventure squad.
No Image "The Way More Things Work" April 27, 2001
Tommy explains more things to Dil.
No Image "Talk of the Town" April 27, 2001
Angelica hosts a talk show.
A Rugrats Kwanzaa
"A Rugrats Kwanzaa" December 11, 2001
Susie gets a visit from her "Great Aunt T", who comes over to celebrate Kwanzaa with the Carmichaels.
All Growed Up group shot
"All Growed Up" July 21, 2001
Ten years into the Rugrats' future, Angelica coaxes Tommy into stealing a medallion for her to show to a friend of hers whom Chuckie has a crush on.

Character debuts[]

Note: This does not include characters who made their first appearance in Rugrats in Paris.

External links[]
