I remember one called Nickelodeon Earth. (It was 60 seconds, but The Splat called it "Is You Home A Nickelodeon Home?") It WAS since 1993, not 1994.Starts off with Calling Cades, but 9 seconds it triggers you in the Nick Lightning Logo on a purple Flashy Bckground.The we get a person saying "Nick Nick Nick Na Nick Na Nick Nick (2x) Nickelodeon!" on several unknown media. Then we get dogs.Wheres Spunky? Rocko's Modern Life was in 1993.In the dog part we get a bunch of muffeld people saying "Ba Ba Ba Bu Ba Ba Ba Ba Nickelooooodeon, Ba Ba Ba Bu Ba Ba Ba Ba Nickeloooodeon." Then we get Pinch Face,with the yodeling,Then kids run to nickelodeon studios,The A Man Gets up with a Nickelodeon Anvil along with a metal junk crash that was also heard in the Donald Duck and Goofy short called"Crazy With The Heat". Incomplete,sorry.