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"The Action Elves Save Christmas Eve" is the 70th episode of The Backyardigans. It is the tenth episode produced for the show's fourth season.


Three elves named Flappy, Snappy, and Mr. Jingles (played by Tasha, Uniqua, and Pablo, respectively) introduce themselves on a picnic table. They tell the viewer that they use tiny hammers to build anything. Then they tell the viewer that they are no ordinary elves - they are the Action Elves, who save Christmas. Then they report to the North Pole and enter Santa's Workshop.

Santa speaks to them on the phone about the terrible news his magic sack has been stolen by the Abominable Brothers (played by Austin and Tyrone). They then go to the rocket reindeer and fly to the brothers' igloo.

The elves can't see where the igloo is, but they do see two snowmen carrying a red sack. They realize that those two snowmen are Austin and Tyrone. They try to land close to them but they land one mile away from them.

The Backyardigans Action Elves Tyrone Austin

Tyrone and Austin as the Abominable Brothers.

Meanwhile, the brothers are hauling the sack to the igloo. They don't know that the sack is magic yet. Tyrone is pulling it while Austin is pushing. They both have a conversation about how a tiny sack can be so heavy. They then wish that it was lighter, and the sack turns smaller. Then they wish for more things as they sing "Magic Sack". It suddenly grows legs and starts to walk. Then they head to the igloo.

The elves have landed but their rocket reindeer breaks in half. They start to walk and realize that it's a lot harder. They spot the two snowmen and start running toward them. The brothers have already opened the igloo door and wish the sack was a couch.

The three elves plan to lure the brothers outside. Snappy makes a wind-up robot toy with her tiny hammer and drops it purposefully on the igloo floor. It walks outside and the two snowmen follow it. Flappy and Mr. Jingles wish that the sack was a sack again and not a couch. Then they start running toward the workshop.

As just as they were about to escape, Snappy's phone rings. The brothers hear the ringing, and see the elves stealing the sack and chase them. They start a snowball fight while singing "Snowball Fight" During the fight, the elves and the brothers fall into a large pit. Snappy's cell phone rings again, but the brothers take it before the elves can answer it. They both talk to Santa without knowing who he is on the other line. They soon figure out that the magic sack is Santa's. Santa instructs the Abominable Brothers and the Action Elves to work together to fill up his sack with toys. Afterwards, they must bring it to his sleigh so that he can make his delivery trip.

The five return to the workshop to fill the sack with toys as they sing "To Fill the Sack for Santa". The elves are grateful and they give to two elves action figures outside. They all see Santa flying with his sack in his sleigh. Pablo's stomach rumbles and invites everyone to his house for eggnog.

The workshop turns back into the backyard as the children sing the end song. They all enter Pablo's house and shut the door. They all open the previously closed door and shout "Merry Christmas!"


Voice actor Character
LaShawn Tináh Jefferies Uniqua
Avion Baker Singing Uniqua
Jake Goldberg Pablo
Sean Curley Singing Pablo
Chris Grant, Jr. Tyrone
Tyrel Jackson Williams Singing Tyrone
Jonah Bobo Austin
Nicholas Barasch Singing Austin
Gianna Bruzesse Tasha
Gabriella Malek Singing Tasha
Conan O'Brien Santa Claus



Video releases[]

  • The Backyardigans: Christmas with the Backyardigans

External links[]
