The Brothers Garcia is an American sitcom that premiered in 2000 on Nickelodeon and ended in 2003. The series aired on the programming block, Nick on CBS from March 14, 2004 to September 11, 2004. The show stars Carlos Lacamara, Ada Maris, Jeffery Licon, Bobby Gonzalez, Vaneza Pityncki, and Alvin Alvarez. Ten new episodes premiered in 2022 under the new name The Garcias of which a second batch of new episodes has been confirmed to be in the planning.
The show follows the adventures of the Latin-American Garcia family as narrated by the older version of one of the sons, Larry. Larry recounts his life along with George, Carlos, and Lorena (his two brothers and his twin sister) and the way they deal with everyday issues like school, work, growing up, and all living in one house. Parents Ray and Sonia run the household.
- Alvin Alvarez as Larry Garcia
- Jeffery Licon as Carlos Garcia
- Vaneza Pitynki as Lorena Garcia
- Bobby Gonzalez as George Garcia
- Carlos Lacamara as Ray Garcia
- Ada Maris as Sonja Garcia
- Dyana Ortelli as Sandy Alexander
- John Leguizamo as the voice of Adult Larry Garcia
Reruns aired on The N from April 27, to May 23, 2008 for a short time.
- On April 30, 2021, a year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, AT&T-owned streaming video service HBO Max gave production with a series order consists of 10 episodes titled as The Garcias, a sequel to The Brothers García. The original six main cast members reprised their roles in the revival with some new cast members. The series debuted April 14th 2022 on HBO Max and was produced by New Cadence Productions. NCP has a second season planned.
- The show has won many prizes and nominations in its original run from 2001 to 2004, and the continuation has also been nominated multiple times.
External links[]
"Gee, this is harder than I thought." This article doesn't contain enough information. If you know anything about The Brothers Garcia, |
The Brothers Garciav • t • Edit | ||
Cast | Original Actors | Carlos Lacamara • Ada Maris • Vaneza Pitynski • Bobby Gonzalez • Jeffrey Licon • Alvin Alvarez • John Leguizamo |
Additional Actors | Maeve Garay • Trinity Bliss • Ayva Severy • Oliver Alexander • Nitzia Chama • Elsha Kim | |
Recurring characters | Samantha • Nikki • Natalie • Abuelita • Sandy • Alex | |
Episodes | Seasons: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 | |
Spin-offs | The Garcias • Nurses | |
Other | Timeline • Cast members • Characters • Famous guests • Sonia's Casa of Beauty |