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The Treasure of the Broken Key A Musical Adventure Promo

"The Treasure of the Broken Key: A Musical Adventure" is the 119th episode of Blaze and the Monster Machines. It is the twenty-first episode produced for the show's sixth season.


In the first ever Blaze musical, Blaze, AJ, Crusher and Pickle are on a daring quest to find the pieces of the Broken Key and unlock a secret treasure.



  • A scene from this episode was first shown in the "Blaze Pirate Adventures & Rescues" compilations video on the show's YouTube channel.
  • Blaze is singing again like he did in Truck Rangers.
  • This is the first episode to premiere after's June 2022 redesign to match up with
  • Blaze's transformation was shortened in this episode.
  • This is the third episode with no travel song nor STEM song, following "Animal Island" and "Blazing Amazing Stories".

External links[]

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