During a pretend game of golf, Lori accidentally breaks a vase that was one of Lynn Sr. and Rita's wedding presents. This worries the kids, because they have broken this vase at least three times before, and each time, it has gotten them grounded for progressively longer amounts of time (the rest of the day, then a week, then a month). When Lola moans that she wishes their parents never got this vase in the first place, this gives Lisa an idea. She explains that, since she recently figured out how to time-travel, she's going to travel back in time to their parents' wedding day and switch out the vase with a toaster. After showing her siblings the time machine she made Vanzilla into, Lisa tells her siblings that she's going alone, since she doesn't want to risk messing up the space-time continuum. However, thanks to Lisa's poor peripheral vision, the other ten Loud kids crowd in to the back of Vanzilla and travel back to the 1990s with her anyway.
Upon arriving at the banquet hall where Lynn Sr. and Rita's wedding reception is being held, the kids find the table where the gifts were placed. However, while Lisa and Lynn Jr. look for the vase, the other siblings wander around the reception and make a mess of things, including Leni spilling her kale juice on Rita's wedding dress, Luna disrupting the band (which happens to be Chunk's) and playing rock music, Luan putting a whoopee cushion on the chairs, and Lola criticizing the flower girls. After finding the vase, Lynn Jr. gathers up the siblings, but not before Lily, going after the wedding cake, pulls on the tablecloth and causes the cake to fly across the room and hit the newlywed couple. As Lynn Sr. and Rita are in tears over their wedding being ruined, the kids rush back to Vanzilla and head back to the future, unaware that Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle saw them disappear and now think they are aliens.
The Loud kids meet the alternate timeline version of their parents, who never had kids.
When the kids arrive back in the present, they find the front door is locked. After going down the chimney, they start to realize something isn't right when they notice the furniture is now a lot fancier, their bedrooms are gone, and there's no photos of them on the walls. Lynn Sr. and Rita then arrive, having just returned from a vacation in Europe, and are disgusted with the kids' presence in their home. After being shooed out, this leads the kids to realize that they're now in a timeline in which they were never born. They then check with Mr. Grouse (who is much more relaxed in this timeline), who informs them that Lynn Sr. and Rita decided not to have any children after "a bunch of rascals" ruined their wedding. Things get worse when Lori suddenly flickers out of existence, leading the kids to realize that they now must return to the past to undo their shenanigans before they all vanish. Unfortunately, Vanzilla then vanishes too, due to Lynn Sr. and Rita having apparently sold it in this timeline, so the remaining ten kids are forced to build a new time machine.
The kids search for a crankshaft at the junkyard, which is run by Chunk because his band never got any more gigs after the Loud parents' wedding. Although they manage to find a crankshaft, Leni and Luna both vanish from existence before they do. Lisa then says the next thing they need is some plutonium, which they can find in a Flippee. However, when they go to Flip's Food & Fuel, they find that it is instead a health food store, and Flip (who instead prefers to go by his real name, Phillip) never created the Flippees because he was instead inspired by seeing Leni spilling kale juice on Rita's wedding dress. During this, Lincoln briefly runs into this timeline's version of hisfriends, who are instead hanging out with Chandler and have become bullies like him, and Luan is next to disappear. As the kids fret over what to do next, Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle suddenly capture them in a net, still mistaking them for aliens, which they believe further when Lynn Jr. disappears. The remaining kids attempt to escape, with Lincoln successfully getting away, but before he can rescue his younger sisters, he vanishes from existence too.
At the Gurdles' house, where the younger sisters are being held in protective bubbles, Lisa notices a container of plutonium on a counter nearby and gets Zach's parents to turn her and Lily loose by saying they are aliens and can prove it by building a spaceship. After Lisa builds the "spaceship" (really a new time machine) out of the Gurdles' van, she tells Zach's parents to fetch the plutonium, allowing Lily to run back and rescue the other sisters. As they escape, Lucy, beginning to flicker out of existence herself, stays behind to distract Zach's parents while her younger sisters make it back to the past. With no time to lose, Lisa, Lily, and the twins use the Gurdles' now-souped-up van to travel back to just before they arrived at the banquet hall the first time. Once they get there, Lana and Lola both disappear, but right after they do, Lisa moves a sign that was pointing to the reception so that it instead points to a broom closet, distracting the Loud kids' previous selves. Lily, however, wanders back in to the reception, seemingly going after the wedding cake again; but this time, she instead just smears some icing on her finger and then dabs some of it on her future parents' noses, leading them to proclaim they're looking forward to having kids.
With the wedding and their lives saved, Lisa and Lily travel back to the present, with their older siblings all re-appearing back into existence, and arrive back in the Loud household as it originally was. Just then, the Lynn Sr. and Rita that the kids know and love come home, having picked up pizza, when they suddenly notice their wedding vase has been broken again and their kids seem to be happy about it. The parents tell their kids that they're grounded for two months, but after the ordeal they just went through, the kids are just happy to be with their parents. However, Lisa then cringes when she notices one thing off about the restored timeline - Lynn Sr. and Rita's wedding photo now has Lily hiding in the background.
Clyde being Chandler's best friend and a bully in the alternate timeline could be a call-back to the beginning of the Season 1 episode "Study Muffin", in which Clyde was worried that he'd fall in with the wrong crowd if he went to middle school without Lincoln.
LISA MADE A TIME MACHINE! 🕓🚀 - 5 Minute Episode "Time Trap" - The Loud House
Time Traveling to Save Mom and Dad! ⏰ - Full Scene "Time Trap" - The Loud House
"Waking History" / "Pranks Fore Nothing" • "Child's Play" / "Force of Habits" • "Candy Crushed" / "Master of Delusion" • "Tough Guise" / "Bye Bye Birthday" • "Bizzarritorium" • "Bringing Down the House" / "Mountain Hard Pass" • "From Brad To Worse" / "Doll Day Afternoon" • "Screen Queen" / "Hide and Sneak" • "Out of Step" / "Too Cool For School" • "Music To My Fears" / "Fluff and Foiled" • "Leave No Van Behind" / "Sponsor Tripped" • "Party Fowl" / "Sleepless in Royal Woods" • "Hunn-cut Gems" / "Can't Lynn 'Em All" • "Bye Tanya" / "What Lies Beneath" • "An Inspector Falls" / "One in a Million" • "Dread of the Class" / "Welcome to the Doll Heist" • "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas" • "Let's Break a Deal" / "A Dish Come True" • "Beg, Borrow and Steele" / "There Will Be Mud" • "Riddle School" / "Love Me Tenor"
"Homeward Bound" / "Pressure Cooker" • "Steeling Thunder" / "Be Careful What You Fish For" • "Only Mime Will Tell" / "The Winning Spirit" • "InTODDnito" / "Weather or Not" • "A Knight to Remember" • "Nonna Your Business" / "Alpining Away" • "A Bite in Transylvania" / "Greece Is the Word" • "Kara-less Whisper" / "Dollars and Scents" • "Bulking and Sulking" / "Wild Goss Chase" • "The Weakest Ink" / "Sales Forced" • "Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind"